Assessment Service
Youth, upon admission, are assessed in the areas of trauma, health, psychological, emotional, educational, substance use, sexual, familial, cultural and social. This comprehensive assessment is in effort to implement our integrated approach to proper targeted individual treatment.
Milieu Therapy
Wholeness Haven Inc. strives to promote an environment of fairness and trust for Youth in care. Staff assists Youth to develop coping strategies that enable and promote self-control, empowerment, and enhanced decision-making abilities. The goal is for Youth to adapt successfully into the family, group living situations, school, work and/or other community settings.
Individual Group and Family Therapy
Formal individual and group therapy
sessions are conducted. This is utilized to assist the child/children in processing significant events, replacing destructive thinking, regulating emotions and learning acceptable/appropriate behaviors while eliminating inappropriate behavior.
Family therapy sessions are conducted to clarify communication within the family, strengthen family bonds and to help the family learn new roles and methods of problem solving and relating as they prepare for family reunification.
Therapeutic Recreation
Planned therapeutic recreation is an integral part of our holistic treatment for Youth and is a daily occurrence. Recreation, physical (sports, movement) or passive (board games, arts/crafts), helps with overall mental, emotional and physical health, helps with relaxation, release of anxious energy, and provides for a positive outlet and expression for channeling aggression and stress management.
Cultural Awareness and Connectedness
The community is also a vital part of the recreation activity. Staff of the agency are encouraged to include the racial, ethnic background, and religious activities of the children in considering and planning their recreational activities, family time and meal planning. Participate in the community to help affirm the child’s self-worth, dignity, promote and encourage the development of a healthy racial and ethnic identity and acceptance in their community and society at large.
Psychopharmacological Treatment
Children on psychotropic medications are monitored monthly by a psychiatrist.
Life Skill Training
Wholeness Haven Inc. provides opportunities for Youths to develop a sense of order and value for their lives and to develop skills needed for maturation and independent living.
Substance Abuse Services
Wholeness Haven Inc. Treatment Center accepts youth whose primary diagnosis is substance abuse. Many youths are at high risk of addiction because they have used drugs and come from situations where drugs are used and are readily available. The evidenced based treatment curriculum is implemented in individual and group counseling in conjunction with drug education sessions.
PAL (Preparing for Adult Living)
PAL is provided for children that are 16 years or older. The Wholeness Haven Inc. coordinates its effort with the CPS worker to ensure that the child has or will enroll in the PAL classes timely and that it is also indicated in the service plan of DFPS for the child.
Experiential Life Skills Training
All children in the RTC over the age of 14 will be provided with experiential life skills training by staff. These skills will assist the child to improve transition to independent living. Staff will train in practical activities including: grocery shopping, meal preparation, cooking, using public transportation, among other things.
Budgeting/Money Management
Wholeness Haven Inc. will work in conjunction with the Bank to establish a checking/debit card account for each eligible resident. Residents will be able to make deposits on a bi-weekly basis at the Bank. Residents will be issued debit cards which will allow for withdrawals. Residents will attend money management seminars at least two times per year.
Work Opportunities
Residents aged 16 and up will have the opportunity to pursue work opportunities in the community. To be eligible, the resident must be approved through the interdisciplinary committee. The resident must be on an appropriate level and display appropriate behavior within the house, school and community.
Program Evaluation Procedures
Treatment plan reviews will assess the degree to which an individual resident has benefited from Wholeness Haven Inc. services. For example, there is a decrease in the number of prompts needed for a child to clean her room; there is a decrease in the number of times a child leaves the property without permission; there is a decrease in assaultive behavior on the unit; the number of times a child’s Level is changed – upward or downward.
Proper Documentation
Wholeness Haven Inc. reviews the child’s progress and all documentations by the Behavioral Health Services Provider to ensure that they are within the goal and objectives set by the treatment team for the child.
Provision of Medical, Dental, Vision, Behavioral Health Care and Psychotropic Medication
Wholeness Haven ensures proper and timely access to necessary medical, dental and vision care for each child in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Standards for RTC along with the Department’s contract requirements. The agency also ensures that Behavioral Health Services are accessed and available in accordance with each child’s needs.